Pillars of Action: Scatter Terrain Columns

The trusty column or pillar is a time-honored companion in any shootout, and a common sight in dungeons and temples from galaxies far, far, away to forgotten ruins deep beneath the earth. Here’s how I made a bunch of pillars to use as scatter terrain!

Gather Your Instruments of Pain

  • Wooden dowel – I used a square 5/8″ but anything a tiny dude can use for cover will work
  • Lightweight spackle – This is the stuff for covering nail holes and looks like forbidden marshmallow fluff
  • Saw – Anything capable of cutting a straight line
  • Sandpaper – Keep Splinter down in the sewers with the ninja turtles, not stuck in your fingies
  • Optional bases (and appropriate glue) – My columns were tippy, so I glued wood discs on the bottom
  • Cheap paint and brush
  • Optional mod podge or other sealant

Easy Three-Step Process

  1. Cut your dowel into columns. I went with 3″ lengths because I have some existing buildings that will match.
  2. Sand the splinters off.
  3. Optional: Affix your dowel lengths to bases at this point. I used Litko 1″ wooden discs, so I also got out the wood glue for this step. Just make sure you’re using the correct adhesive for your materials!
  4. This is the magic: Spread a thin coat of lightweight spackle on each column. You might want a palette knife or you might find that your fingers work just fine. Rough this coating up as much as you like – if you want that battle-damaged look you can rip away chunks to reveal the bare wood underneath. Toothpick some bullet holes in there or just smooth it all down with a slightly wet finger.
  5. Once the spackle is dry, sand it and paint it up! I used a concrete gray craft paint with a watered-down mix of darker gray (almost black). While I didn’t get into drybrushing, if you’re going for more of a natural stone look that’s a step that’ll really catch the texture and make it pop. You probably have a preferred painting method and I’m not your dad. Go do what works for you!
  6. Seal them with matte mod podge so the spackle won’t flake off when your friends drop them on the floor.

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